Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bringing In The New Year!

We kept the kids up to celebrate the New Year with NYC...9:00pm that is! Grandma and Grandpa made special hats, had sparkly beads, provided loud noise makers (as if 6 kids 8 and under isn't loud enough), and even poured each child sparkly kid campaign in REAL wine glasses. It was a huge treat. We turned the T.V. on to shout the count down in New York with Dick Clark, said cheers, made lots of noise, took lots of pictures and then tucked our kids into bed so the grown ups could plays games until mid-night! We had a nice evening and the kids MIGHT have understood bringing in the New Year! Happy New Year, and I'll post a reflection post when we get home from my parents!
Ben blowin away on his noise maker, about to knock his red sparkly over!
Simon a wee bit excited
Silly as usual

1 comment:

Nell said...

Happy new year! I spent mine in the hospital with a new baby! Pretty nice.
