Friday, July 25, 2008

It isn't as if our life isn't crazy enough...

I feel like it is 5 to 1...5 yeses...and 1 no....Brant claims he is "not saying" his position...I am putting him on the yes side...way to go decision maker! We have a little date tonight to discuss this little life altering decision, so that Tage is not breathing down our necks begging and Benny is not running around the house saying PUPPY, PUPPY, PUPPY over and over again! Pray for thought we were done with babies. :)

More tomorrow....maybe I can convince everyone to get a kittnen?


kelly said...

Oh Rachel....I would say stick to your guns on this one but then I see Jack loving all over Ruby and I have to think boys and dogs go together like PB&J and you do have a lot of boys!

Anonymous said...

he's sooooo cute though rachel!!!! you need him, really you do. do you still have crystal?

Signe said...

Are you crazy???!!! Is your house still on the market? If you didn't need new carpet before you will now. Maybe you could borrow Ruby for a couple of weeks.

Nell said...

Good luck with that. I can tell you that with two dogs of our own and only two kids it's way too much work! A cat might be easier...except for that yucky litter box.

Paula said...

Get a goldfish!
That's my vote! :)