Thursday, July 31, 2008

If your a runner...

...don't stop running "for a while" just because you finished your race! Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running even if it is only a couple of miles a day, a couple of days a week! Last fall I ran a little local half-marathon, which took me 6 months to prepare for, and I was in great shape. I took what I thought was a little time off and then had a heck of a time getting back into it. Now I am starting to prepare for a distance relay and the Seattle Half Marathon and it is killing me. My legs HURT! Just a little complaining on my more 3 month breaks!
This may just be a life lesson that I can apply to many aspects of life here at The Madson Home...It would be quite an uphill battle if I stopped doing laundry because I had finished it all...YIKES that's a scary thought!


Paula said...

When do you actually finish laundry, I'm wondering?
I've never actually been to that finish line, although I attempt to every week.
Maybe I need to spend more time training :)

Sarah said...

Thanks for the pep talk. I've been slacking on my miles with the arrival of summer. I can't figure how I was so motivated to get up in the dead of winter, but NOW I would rather stay in bed. Wierd. Yay for you training for a 1/2 marathon. Kelly and I keep talking about doing one.

Nell said...

I've thought about marathons also...I'm way out of shape...well, plus I'm pregnant LOL