Friday, June 5, 2009

We Made It!

I was actually wondering if I was going to make it through to the end of the school year. The kids have been troopers and have just plowed through all the end of the year stuff without complaint. I on the other hand have had to remind myself to behave like my children...cheerfully plug along wtih out complaining...YIKES...It was hard! Here's to a summer full of lazy days, good food, sunshine, swimsuits, ice tea, sunscreen, baseball, neighborhood kids, lots of fellowship and good books! Call if you want to come over for a play date!

Tage's first day of 1st grade
Tage's last day of 1st grade...Oh so cool and a few inches taller!

This is much more of the "everyday" Tage!

Simon's first day of kindergarten

Simon's last day of kindergarten! He has grown a ton...If you ask me~!


kelly said...

Are you coming to town??

Teri said...

Simon has grown a lot!

Nell said...

The kids are adorable!

Paula said...

Your kids are growing so much faster than that tree! Wow!