Tage: Mom...ask me what the square root of 81 is.
Mom: Huh...the square root of what?????
Tage: ask me what the square root of 81 is.
Mom: ask your dad, i don't know the square root of 81....
Tage: NO! ASK ME!
Mom: OH...Tage what is the square root of 81? (big smile)
Tage: The square root of 81 is 9!!!!!
Mom and Dad...Tage! Great Job are you learning that in 1st grade math...NO...Uncle Scott told it to me at choir!
Soon after Tage announced to us all that he knew the square root of 81, Simon was chomping at the bit to share a little of his new found knowledge!
Simon: Mom, Mom, Mom....I know my address and phone number!
Mom: That's great Simon can you tell me?
Simon (LONG PAUSE...THEN VERY,VERY, VERY SLOWLY) 6...6...*...7...*...*...2...thats my phone number....um, um, um...1...*...*...2...Millerdale....Avenuuuu...Wenatchee Washington.
I have to say...I know all parents say this so here goes...MY KIDS ARE ADORABLE AND GENIUS TO BOOT!